
There is a well-worn Spanish proverb that reads, “Nunca serás capaz de cruzar el océano hasta que pierdas de vista la costa” meaning “You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”  And so it is with Rancho Costa Verde.

90-minutes by car and a lifetime removed from the city clutter

Lies the quintessential Mexican small town of San Felipe. From its colorful Malecon to its tiendas y mercados that populate it, San Felipe is what Mazatlan, Cancun and Cabo were when they got their start back in the ’70s.

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“Para el primer caminante, se hace el camino al andar”

Loosly translated, it means “For the first walker, there is no path, so you must make your own“. Although replete with ample grocery, fuel, repair, medical and other necessary community and personal services, the lack of appreciable development on the “paradise side” of Baja has left the town as original and unspoiled as its magnificent.




“La vida es símple. Por que insistimos en hacerla complicada?

Life is simple. Why do we insist on making it complicated?” That just doesn’t happen in San Felipe where, from the pescadóres and their working panga boats to their fresh-daily hauls of camrónes and other local seafood that populate the family-owned restaurántes’ menus, San Felipe is but a distant cousin, twice-removed from it’s Ensenada relatives on the Pacific side of the country. Here, it’s still slow and easy, “lento y fácil“.

San Felipe Lighthouse

Ven por undia y te quederás  todo la vive.

Unlike their distant cousins, Cabo San Lucas, Loreto  Cancùn and even Mazatlan, San Felipe has so far escaped the large-scale development that inevitably comes with people seeking an escape from their busy, crowded lives. Here, life remains unhurried, even in such close proximity to the US border. So “Ven por un dia y te quederás todo la víve“. Come for a day and you’ll stay for a lifetime!

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