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Experience Counts

A husband and wife team of 31-years, Jonathan & Joyce have a combined 76-years in real estate; he with 36-years in real estate law and her with more than 40 as a Level 4 General Appraiser, the highest designation available, and an agent having first been licensed in 1978. Licensed, accredited and bonded not only in California but in Mexico as well, they’ve represented more than 1800 clients over more than 3-1/2 decades, many of whom continue to maintain their loyalty to the team today. From Southern California’s suburban homes, condos, estates and vacant, investment property to second and investment homes on the shoreline of Beautiful Baja’s Sea of Cortez, few Realtors can match the experience and success of the team that American Realtor calls the “Dynamic Duo“.

“The fact that this is a 2-person, international team of lawyer and agent is an incredible benefit to their clients..”

City & County
“ A history of integrity and honesty in citizen representation to government decisionmakers for over two decades. It’s that and their client-subject knowledge that opens big doors for them in Sacramento.”

American Realtor
“With more than 1800 clients in two countries over more than 36-years together, this ‘Dynamic Duo’ must be doing something right.”

Dome Magazine
“At 15th, the AmesGroup. Their reputation for honesty and integrity makes this small but mighty firm one of the most trusted in Sacramento.”

“”La delegación de Hilton American incluyó a la firma Ames Group de Los Ángeles para la inauguración de Reforma en la Ciudad de México”.

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